1-50- Silverleaf and Peacebloom= Same as mining any place you began at with your racw is good.
51-70-Mageroyal and Earthroot= For Alliance: start in the north of Westfall and follow the coast south to Deadmines. Then head straight to Sentinel Hill and back up to the north again. Picking Herds (primarily mageroyal) along the way.
For Horde: go west from Crossroads then head north before the entrance to Stonetalon Mountains and follow around to where the harpies are, then head east back to the Gold road and then south to Crossroads again, picking Mage Royal, Earthroot, Peacebloom and Silverleaf.
71-100- Briarthorn= For Alliance: Lakeshire in Redrige. For Horde: Still Barrens (its full of herbs)
101-115- Bruiseweed= Start at the Ramparts in Ashenvale and head north-east to Splintertree Post (dont follow road, try to go as straight as you can, you'll find more herbs that way), then head west from Splintertree Post towards the first bridge. Head south from here past the Moonwell and then back west to the ramparts when you reach the edge of the map. Pick Bruiseweed as you go.
116-125- Wild Steelbloom= For higher levels do full circuits of Arathi Highlands, sticking to the mountain sides (as this is where you'll find Wild Steelbloom). For lower levels. Go from Black Channel Marsh in the Wetlands to the Angerfang Encampment, taking in Whelgar's Excavation Site as you go.
126-160- Kingsblood= Hillsbrad Foothills.
161-185- Fadeleaf= Swamp of Sorrows.
186-205- Khadgar's Whisker= Witherbark Village and Ogre Compound in Arthai Highlands. Or you can stay in Swamp of Sorrows. I think they have a good amount there too.
206 - 230- Firebloom= Searing Gorge and Blasted Lands.
231 - 250- Sungrass= Feralas or Felwood.
251 - 270- Gromsblood= You can stay in Felwood.
271-290- Dreamfoil= Make a full circle around Un'goro Crater. Be careful if you are a lower level the monsters there are a little hard.
290 - 300 Plagueblooms= Eastern and Western Plaguelands and Felwood.
Make sure to get Cartographer if you haven't already so you can plan your route. I never took herbalism so I took this material from http://www.blizzardguides.com/wow_herbalism_guide.html :)
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