November will be the month we have all been waiting for. New lands, new armor, new weapons, max level raised to 80, and a kick butt Hero Class. The Death Knight! My guess he will be the new most overpowered class that WoW has ever seen. With the defence of a warrior and the offensive of a Death Knight everyone will end up creating and playing a death. Before you know it who knows. All of Azeroth will be Death Knights.
Requirements: As you may already know this hero class starts at level 55. Sorry low levels. This doesn't mean you can make a character and start at level 55. You must have a character that is at least at the level of 55 to actually create a Death Knight. And get this, your Death Knight can be ANY RACE! But only one death knight per account.
Introduction to the skills: Don't worry, Blizzard hasn't left us with a level 55 we don't know how to play. Your first quests as a Death Knight will introduce you to its abilities.
Waking the dead: That's right folks, the Death Knight is rocking Azeroth so hard he is waking the dead! They can actually summon ghouls from the fallen. You can even turn your friend into a ghoul if he agrees and he can run around and fight for you.
Free Mount: Death Knights not only start off at level 55 but they also have a free level 40 mount. Later on you can complete a quest to get your epic too.
If you want to know more about the Death Knight: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/features/deathknight/gameplay.xml
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