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Expansion: Death Knight Gameplay

Death Knight laying down the law!

Expansion: Threat Counter

Raiding guilds will be pretty happy for this one. Wrath is introducing a threat counter. It shows how much threat you are posing to target, and with threat comes aggro. Threat will show as a floating text just like damage. It will show in % and it will only show in raids of group. Of coarse you will be able to deactivate this feature in you interface.

Expansion: Spoof

Onion News Network does a sneak peek on the World of Warcraft expansion :D

Expansion: Leveling your Death Knight

Unless you have been living under a rock you know the Death Knight hero class will be starting at level 55. Blizzard decided it would be stupid to have a level 1 Death Knight running around and trying to reek havoc. What is so epic about the Death Knight? All Death Knights start off in the same place. They all get there own instance together where you walkthrough the story of your Death Knight. Once you are through Ebon Hold you will be about level 57. So where are you going to quest to level 58 or 60 before Outland. As I see it you have two good choices. Easter Plauglands and Winterspring. I myself will be heading to Winterspring. The whole snowing ice thing will get me in that "Death Knight mood". Just something to think about as you wait on Wrath!

Expansion: The New Shattrath

Dalaran, you might know it from Warcraft III. Home to the most powerful mages in the World (of Warcraft). Burning Crusade had Shattrath. Well, now Wrath has Dalaran. With ports to very city it will be our new hang out place. Both the Horde and the Alliance. Expect Dalaran to be a place of magic (duh). I think it will really resemble Silvermoon. Lets hope it has an AH. Now that I think if it I know why Blizzard didn't put an AH in Shatt. If we had a AH in the expansions I think we would never go back to Azeroth :P

Hero Class: Death Knight

In this first video I took off youtube someone from Blizzard explains what role a Death Knight will play in WoW.

In this second video they talk about the new Runic System the Death Knight will be using. There are three types of runes; Blood, Frost, and Unholy. A Death Knight gets to put a total of 6 runes in his runeblade (or axe). And certain spells use a certain amount of runes...

Expansion: Death Knight Flying Mount

Death Knights now have a cool background as you log into them as you can see in the picture. But that news isn't nearly as big as the new Death Knight flying mounts. Its a skeleton-like gryphon. You will look at the picure of it taken from the beta and think. "Thats a stupid looking mount." And your right it looks retarted, but remember this is only the beta. Things will change and I am sure on Wraths release date the Death Knight flying mount will look amazing! As you guessed this mount is for Death Knights only. I will cost you 950 gold at level 70.

Expansion: Flying at level 77

Will you be able to ride a flying mount in Wrath? NO! Well at least not till level 77. If you didn't watch the video I posted before then this is a suprise to you. Blizzard feels it is important for players to explore the land, and not just fly over it. I don't have any problem with this because it makes sense to me. You may not feel the same way. At level 77 you can get a quest chain. At the end of the quest chain you will be rewarded with the skill "Cold Weather Flying". This skill will not cost you a copper. In fact the quest also rewards you money.

Expansion: New Hunter Pets

We hunters love our pets do we not? And we all know that with a new Expansion comes new pets. Well the "Petopia" website has been all over the Beta, and it shows. Out of all the new pets so far I have to say I like this eagle the best. I think it would be awesome to have a eagle as a pet in real life. Since I can't do that then at least I can do it in the game. Anyway it makes me fell so Patriotic! Check out all the new pets for your self at

Expansion: Gamespot Interviews! (part one)

Alright, so if you are looking for good information on Wrath then listen in here. The actually Blizzard developers. You can rest assure they now what they are talking about. (and what they are talking about is true) On and this is a Gamespot interview off youtube :)

Expansion: Gamespot Interview! (part two)

Expansion: Stormwind has it all!

Sorry Horde, but Alliance has you beat for having the greatest city in Warcraft. Stormwind as it all; traders, all the class trainers, all the profession trainers, Hall of Hero's, and so much more. In the upcoming expansion it will become even better. A port with ships. And those ships need a place to go right? How about Northrend! That's right! As you may already know in Novemeber these ships will be leaving for Northrend! They will be pack full of players from around the WORLD (of warcraft) ready to take on the Lich King and his evil servants. If you look in the screenshot you will notice the new boat designs Blizzard came up with.

Expansion: Saving bag space

I am proud to announce that Blizzard really out did themselves this time. In Wrath mounts and mini pets no longer take up bag space! They are now spells. I wish Blizzard would have thought of this sooner. But, better later then never. Now all those nice rare mini pets won't be taking up you bag space and bank slots anymore. Its about time!

Expansion: New Profession- Inscription

Enchanters your going to love this! Wrath of the Lich King is adding a new profession, Inscriptions. They allow enchanters to sell there enchants in the AH! Learning Inscriptions will enable you create parchments. Parchments absorb the enchant you cast on it so you can sell and trade it just like any other item. I for one am very excited about this. No I am not an enchanter, but this means I don't have to spam Stormwind in look for an enchanter. I just run over to the AH! Enchanters will be happy about this for two major reasons. 1. Making money with enchanting is now easier. 2. Enchanters can finally give enchants to there alts! All kinds or rumors have been going around the web as far as the profession goes. If it is true then inscription also enchances spells and abilities! This is one of those things I wish Blizzard would have thought about earlier.

Expansion: Choosing a Death Knight Race

If your having trouble visualizing your favorite race as a Death Knight you must watch this video!

Expansion: New Maps!

Information has just been pouring in on the expansion since the Beta Released yesterday. And those lucky enough to get in the beta are feeding information onto the Internet. These pictures were taken from the beta. As you can see Stormwind has a new look. This port is used to get to Northrend as you can guess. So you can expect changes not only in the expansion, but Azeroth too!

Expansion: WotLK Talent Trees

Be prepared for a lot of changes as far as talent trees go. All classes (but especially pally and druid) will experience major changes to talent trees. Blizzard will be moving talents around so different trees while adding new ones. WowHead has updated Wrath of the Lich King calculators if you want to check them out!

Expansion: Login Screen for Wrath

I know there has been alot of fake login screens floting around on the web for Wrath of the Lich King. This one there though is the real deal. Confirmed by the Beta! You may notice that in this picture you have to enter your email adress. This is for the beta only. I think in the background there is Ice Crown from Warcraft III, pretty cool :D

Expansion: Achievements

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion will be introducing many new things to keep the game fresh and interesting. One of these things will be achievements. Achievements are things completed in the game that give you titles and rewards. For example: you don't die once in a round of Warsong Gluch. You may earn a title in your name like, "Radonhunt the undefeated of Warsong". And you might get a nice little reward like healing potions or something. Blizzard is introducing over 500 achievements at the release of the expansion. And achievements can come from anything. Quests, PVP, PVE, Factions, and more. Basically acievements are something Blizzard designed so nerds can show off all the things they've done in the game.

Hero Class: The Death Knight!

November will be the month we have all been waiting for. New lands, new armor, new weapons, max level raised to 80, and a kick butt Hero Class. The Death Knight! My guess he will be the new most overpowered class that WoW has ever seen. With the defence of a warrior and the offensive of a Death Knight everyone will end up creating and playing a death. Before you know it who knows. All of Azeroth will be Death Knights.
Requirements: As you may already know this hero class starts at level 55. Sorry low levels. This doesn't mean you can make a character and start at level 55. You must have a character that is at least at the level of 55 to actually create a Death Knight. And get this, your Death Knight can be ANY RACE! But only one death knight per account.
Introduction to the skills: Don't worry, Blizzard hasn't left us with a level 55 we don't know how to play. Your first quests as a Death Knight will introduce you to its abilities.
Waking the dead: That's right folks, the Death Knight is rocking Azeroth so hard he is waking the dead! They can actually summon ghouls from the fallen. You can even turn your friend into a ghoul if he agrees and he can run around and fight for you.
Free Mount: Death Knights not only start off at level 55 but they also have a free level 40 mount. Later on you can complete a quest to get your epic too.
If you want to know more about the Death Knight:

Expansion: Pet talent trees

Hunters your pets just got a bit more complicated. I am very happy to announce that pets will have there own talent trees in Wrath of the Lich King expansion! Enhancing your pets and making them unique. There will be three different talent trees for every pet with 17 talents a tree. Tenacity, cunning, and ferocity. Though they do overlap each other with each tree having some of the same abilities.

I for one am very excited about this. Since I will be respecing in Beast Mastery for the expansion having pet talent trees will help me enhance my pet to make him stronger. So to all my fellow hunters out there I say this is somthing to look forward too!

Guide: Making Money Mining

My brother put this route together for me and it works great. If your mining is maxed at 375 and you need money this is the way to do it. Nagrand is full of mining veins! Mine and make money, its as simple as that. Sell ore or Smelt Bars and sell those (whichever is selling for more in AH). There is a crazy amount of money in mining. Sadly I ride a normal 60% speed flying mount so it take me forever to get around the map, but I still make a crazy amount of money.